Great profile of an amazing woman! You obviously had a delightful visit with Marge. She is a real jewel! So much history in her still-sharp mind. Thanks for telling her story, Pat
Pat, this article on Marge is fabulous!!! Thank you!!! "'[P]eanut butter toast in the morning and a beer at night'," sounds like great advice!!! In all seriousness, this Elkader woman is a natural treasure!! Thanks for telling her story!!! 🙏🇺🇲
Pat thanks for reporting this interview. She has many memories of this long past experience. Few women left to share their life in WWII. Great to bring this to us.
Great profile of an amazing woman! You obviously had a delightful visit with Marge. She is a real jewel! So much history in her still-sharp mind. Thanks for telling her story, Pat
Pat, this article on Marge is fabulous!!! Thank you!!! "'[P]eanut butter toast in the morning and a beer at night'," sounds like great advice!!! In all seriousness, this Elkader woman is a natural treasure!! Thanks for telling her story!!! 🙏🇺🇲
Pat thanks for reporting this interview. She has many memories of this long past experience. Few women left to share their life in WWII. Great to bring this to us.
A wonderful story. This needs to be widely shared! Thank you!